English Press-Realese is below.
The North Face Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc (UTMB) yarışları 3 senedir kötü hava koşulları sebebiyle sürekli değişen parkurlarda koşulduğu için organizasyon büyük eleştiriler alıyordu. 24 Ekim’de yaptıkları açıklama ile 2013 yaacakları yenilikler ve özellikle kötü hava planlarını duyurdular. Dünyanın en çok ilgi toplayan ve standart belirleyen patika-ultra koşusu olan UTMB, 2013 yılında koşullar ne kadar zor olursa olsun yarışlarını iptal etmeden ve önceden ilan ettiği formatlardan değiştirmeden yürüteceğini tahahüt ettiği açıklamasında; kurtarma helikopterlerinin kalkamayacağı kadar kötü havalarda kabul edilebilir gecikme ile kazazedenin 4×4 araçlar ile kurtarılması üzerine gittiklerini duyurdu.
Yarışmadan önce internet detaylı açıklanacak acil durum rotaları sayesinde, yarışmacıların bütün rota alternatiflerini bileceği ve önceden kendini hazırlayabileceği (zihinsel ve lojistik olarak) vurgulanmış. Kötü hava acil durum rotası da detaylı hazırlanmış ve havanın durumuna göre ana yarış olan UTMB için üç aşamalı plan yapılmış. 2013 için planlan kötü hava rotası, temelde 2 ayrı halkaya (Loop 1 ve Loop2) dayanıyor:
Loop 1= 88km, yaklaşık 4500m dikey kazanım, Chamonix’in güneyinde, Fransa’da.
Loop 2= 82km, 5400m dikey kazanım, Chamonix’in kuzeyinde, Fransa-İsviçre içinde.
UTMB planı
Haftasonu boyunca çok kötü hava olursa: Loop1 + Loop2 koşulacak.
Hava kötü başlayıp Cumartesi iyileşmeye başlayacak olursa: Loop1, sonrasında yarış zamanı donacak. Yarışmacılar Courmayeur’a transfer edilecek, start alıp normal rotadan tamamlayacaklar.
Hava makulken start alıp Cumartesi çok kötüleşirse: Yarış Courmayeur’a kadar normal devam edecek, sonrasında yarış zamanı donacak. Yarışmacılar transfer edilecek ve Loop2’yi koşacaklar.
CCC planı
Loop2: 82km, 5400m dikey kazanım, Chamonix’in kuzeyinde, Fransa-İsviçre içinde.
TDS planı
Yine Courmayeur’dan başlar, alçaklardan biraz daha uzun (119km yerine 130km) ama yükseklik kazanımını pek değiştirmeden 7250mt olarak devam eder.
2013te TDS için önemli değişiklik start gününün Perşembe’den Çarşamba’ya çekilmiş oldu.
Bu yenilik ve gelişmeler ile başvuru için yeter puanı olanlar 19 Aralık’tan itibaren kuraya başvuru yapabilecek.
2013 için yenilenmiş başvuru kriterleri şu şekilde (son 24 aydaki yarışlar puan verir):
UTMB® : 7 puan, en fazla 3 yarışta
CCC® : 2 puan
TDS™ : 2 puan
Grup Kayıt: Aynı parkura 2-12 kişinin beraber başvurması, birine çıkarsa hepsi girer
Guaranteed race format in 2013!
After 3 years of complications due to unfavorable weather the organization is taking measures to assure the conduct of the event even under very difficult conditions. While simple variants already exist, October 2012 is witness to structured back-up races for each event, respecting distances, elevations, timing, logistics…As of 2013 this will ensure that even in very difficult conditions the races are guaranteed and will take place as close to their original format without endangering runners or volunteers. Accessibility for rescue in the back-up plan, if the weather conditions are too dangerous for helicopter rescues, will be possible within an acceptable delay (via 4×4 or close to a paved road).
The back-up race format will be published beforehand on www.ultratrail.mb so that each runner can commit to the race with full knowledge of the regulations and difficulties that could be encountered. This will permit easier adaptation to conditions.
UTMB® : the UTMB start will be on Friday at 16:30 in Chamonix
CCC® : the CCC start will be on Friday at 9:00am in Courmayeur
TDStm : the TDS start will be on Wednesday at 7:00am in Courmayeur
The route for the TDS will be modified for 2013 and will go by the Col de Chavanne to avoid the Col de la Youlaz and bottlenecks…and to benefit from the magnificent scenery on the Italian side of the Mont-Blanc
Back-up route in case of difficult weather conditions
Applicable to the UTMB and the CCC the back-up plan provides a race route crossing through France and Switzerland.
170km and nearly 10,000m of vertical gain in 2 loops on both sides of Chamonix
Loop 1= 88km, approximately 4500m of vertical gain
Loop 2= 82km, 5400m of vertical gain
This plan allows for three alternatives for the UTMB depending on the schedule and weather.
Very bad weather the entire weekend: Loop 1 + Loop 2
Very bad weather Friday with improvement Saturday: Loop 1 + neutralization and transfer to Courmayeur. Second portion start from Courmayeur on the normal route with the same time gaps as those recorded at the transition in Chamonix and in a similar timing to that of the original race.
Very bad weather starting on Saturday: Normal route until Courmayeur then neutralization and transfer to Chamonix. Second portion start from Chamonix for Loop 2 respecting the time differences recorded at the Courmayeur transition.
CCC® :
– Loop 2 (French-Swiss Route) – 83km and 5400 meters vertical gain
TDStm :
Still starting from Courmayeur the back-up race will be a little longer, approximately 130km rather than 119km, with the same 7250m in vertical gain. Bourg Saint-Maurice, Beaufort, and Hauteluce, with a finish in Chamonix.
2013 Registrations: Rendezvous starting December 19th
The organizers are expecting an ‘overflow’ for all the races (4000 runners were denied in 2012 due to lack of space) despite more difficult accessibility (qualifying races). For the 2013 edition the registration conditions had to be adapted: the number of required points has increased for the UTMB and the CCC, and the rules for the draw are applicable.
Important Note: It is essential that everyone is well aware of the challenge he is about to embark on upon registration. Most notably, before being a runner one must be able to evolve in a ‘mountain’ environment with everything that this signifies in regards to equipment and the capacity to adapt.
– Pre-registration dates
The period of pre-registration will open from December 19,2012 thru January 8, 2013 in which all candidates fill out the entire form, including qualifying races, for the race of their choice. This form will be validated by a credit card payment of 50€ deposit (secure on-line payment).
– Qualifying Races
Registration for each race will only be possible for runners having finished the qualifying races between January 1, 2011 and December 31, 2012. The list is available on the following website:Qualifying races for the Ultra-Trail® 2013
Warning, new!
UTMB® : 7 points acquired between 01/01/2011 and 31/12/2012 (in 3 races maximum)
CCC® : 2 points acquired between 01/01/2011 and 31/12/2012
TDS™ : 2 points acquired between 01/01/2011 and 31/12/2012
Group Registration
All those who wish to participate together or not participate at all must pre-register as a group (minimum 2 people, maximum 12 people per group: spouse, fellow runners, etc)
The results of the draw will be identical for all members in the group.
If a draw is required so that the quota is respected the results will be communicated on January 18, 2013 at 10:00am (Paris time).
Registration is managed via over-booking; there is no waiting list.
Warning New!
Applicants not drawn will have the advantage the next year with a coefficient 2 that will double their chances of being selected, and in case of a second failure they will be able to register directly for the same race (without a draw) under the condition that they have obtained the necessary number of points and have finished the qualifying races in accordance with the regulations in the year of their registration.
Priority Registration for 2013
Those people refused for the draw in 2012 and who have not participated in any of the races (TDS) will benefit from priority registration in 2013 under the condition of having the necessary points for 2013.
PTL™ – La Petite Trotte à Léon
A PTL team of 2-3 people must be composed of at least 1 finisher from one of the previous editions of the UTMB, the TDS, the PTL or the Tor des Géants.
The pre-registration will be open from December 19, 2012 to January 8, 2013.
If the number of pre-registered teams is greater than the maximum number of teams allowed at the start of the race, a draw will take place.The team captain (who must be a finisher from the UTMB, TDS, PTL or Tor des Géants) registers for his entire team at the same time.